

英漢字典: work out

1. plan;develop;devise 計劃;發展;設計

    We must work out a plan acceptable to all as quickly as we can. 我們必須盡快訂出一個大家都能接受的計劃。

    They formed a special group to work out measures for labor protection. 他們成立了一個特別小組來制定勞保措施。

2. arrive at by calculation 計算;估算

    I'll give you five minutes to work out this problem. 我給你5分鐘來解答這個題目。

    Have you worked out what I owe you yet?你把我欠你的錢算出來了嗎?

3. understand the nature of 理解;看出;判斷

    It's a very strange situation. I can't work it out 這是一種奇怪的情況,我弄不清是怎麼回事。

    I can't work out the meaning of this poem. 我弄不懂這首詩的含義。

    For as long as I've known him,I've never been able to work him out. 我雖然認識他這麼久了,但一直摸不透他。

4. use up;exhaust through exploitation 用盡;枯竭;採掘完

    The old mine is completely worked out. 那座老礦山已經被開採盡了。

    The professor never seems to be worked out. 這位教授好象有用不完的精力似的。

    She was worked out,having done the experiment for seven hours running. 她連續做了7個小時的實驗,已經精疲力竭了。

5. solve;bring about by work,effort or action;prove effective,practicable or suitable 解決;通過努力得到圓滿解決;證明有效或實用

    I can't work this puzzle out. 這個難題我解決不了。

    Don't despair!Everything will work out all right in the end. 別灰心!一切最終都會圓滿解決的。

    The system seems to be working out well. 這個制度似乎很有效。

    How the experiment will eventually work out only time can tell. 試驗最後結果如何,只有讓時間來說話。

6. amount to a total or calculated figure 總計

    The car repairs work out at£57. 汽車修理費總共是57鎊。

    The cost works out at $8 each. 每人的費用是8美元。

7. exercise 進行鍛鍊

    The athletes of our university work out at the gym for two hours every day. 我們學校的運動員每天在體育館鍛鍊兩小時。

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